Mini story written & illustrated by Neorah Paul, 9 yrs.
One sunny Monday at Have a Band class, Moe, Joe and Pete were practicing for their BIG concert. Moe, Joe and Pete were tater tots. Moe was the electric guitarist, Joe was the electric pianist and Pete was the drummer. Their band was called The Tots. They were going to play at the Maytot Convention. Plus, they had only four DAYS to practice!
The next day, Moe and Pete met at Joe’s garage and started practicing. On Wednesday, Joe and Moe met at Pete’s house. On Thursday, when Joe and Pete were going to Moe’s house, his mom said he was SICK! That made Joe and Pete feel very nervous about their concert the next night.
Finally, it was Friday but Pete and Joe were still nervous and anxious. They were wondering if Moe would feel better and come. But, the possibilities were unlikely. Five minutes before the concert started, Moe came just in time! Their song was called ‘The Tots Know A Lot’. The band was such a success that they each got paid $500! It was tot-ally awesome!
The End
Hi Neorah, I think your stories & drawings are awesome! You are truly a creative talent 🙂 Fondly, Mrs. Bedard
Thank you, Mrs. Bedard! You are the best! 🙂
( eat tater tots )
~ Neorah
Hi Neorah,
I think you have amazing drawings & stories! You are truly fantastic at art!
Thanks Kate! I think you are great at drawing too.
~ Neorah