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Bad Time

Bad Time

Pen illustration by Neorah Paul, 13 yrs. Neorah thought the original version, that she drew back when she was 12, needed a redo. Think it’s a good time now to post Bad Time.     FacebookTwitterPinterest Read More »


Dad’s Grading Scale

A+ = Average

A = Awful

B = Better not show that to me

C = Cannot believe what I am seeing

D = Don’t come home

F = Find a new family

Credits : Jonathan Paul, 16 yr & Judah Paul, 12 yr.

The boys revamped the grading scale to meet Dad’s expectations.



Mom: Boys, please unload and load the dishwasher after you are done with dinner.

Boys:  We’re never going to finish dinner! We’ll keep eating forever!

Sister: I’d rather do the dishes so I can get on with my life!

Dinner talk by Jonathan-14, Judah-11 & Neorah-8.


Twix Genes

Judah: Mom, didn’t you eat a Twix bar for lunch everyday when you were a kid?

Mom: Yes.

Judah: I think I got the Twix genes from you!

Judah, 11 yrs, eats Twix for lunch everyday.

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